Friday Faves
We took off a few extra days from work last week to enjoy the perfect weather down at the Jersey shore, Spring Lake to be exact. We sat by the pool, had cocktails way too early in the day, and ate a lot of yummy seafood. But somehow the four day weekend still wasn't enough. I hope everyone on the east coast soaked up the sunshine while it lasted!
Here's what I'm into this week..
I picked up these Levi's at Tjmaxx last week and they're a perfect fit. Here they are at Free People for $118 (!!!). For $19.99 they're definitely worth a try!
I love me a good HBO drama and I can't wait to watch Succession on Sunday night. The trailer has got me thinking this is going to be my new fave.
I got these slides in peach suede last summer and I wore them constantly. In black they're just a no-brainer that I know I'll wear again and again.
I would do a lot of things to get rid of a hangover but I probably won't try this.
I'm a little late to the party but after multiple recommendations I went ahead and ordered a slew of products from The Ordinary. The idea for the brand sprang from the founder's knowledge of the chemicals and compounds in luxury skincare and how inexpensive they actually are. He stripped away advertising and fancy packaging and replaced them with affordable (almost everything is under $14) serums, moisturizers, and retinoids. I'll let you know what I think!
Eyeing this pretty eyelet dress, these leggings, and these femme mules from J. Crew's latest sale offerings.
Making a serious effort this year to give up plastic utensils and straws. Thrilled to hear that bars, restaurants, and even airlines are getting on board.