Keeping It Casual

A good, quality menswear coat is #1 on my winter wardrobe must-have list. It instantly dresses up anything you're wearing. Schlepping around in a sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers like me? Instantly pulled together with the addition of a coat. Coming in at a close second is a hat. Whether it's a beanie, a fisherman, or in this case, a fedora, all allow you to run around looking fashionable with second (or third? or fourth?) day hair. 

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I have to admit, I was really struggling with this Janessa Leone hat purchase.  At $200 it's a pretty big investment for this budget shopper. But I feel amazing in it and it really makes a statement out of any outfit. And also, I passed by the gorgeous Jennifer Connelly on the way to our shoot and she totally smiled at me. #keeper

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Janessa Leone Hat; Pull & Bear Sweatshirt (similar); Faith Connexion coat (old, similar here and here); Zara Jeans (old, similar); Mackage Bag (similar here and here); Converse Sneakers